How to Box Out in Basketball

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Do you want to know how to box out in basketball? Would you like to increase your rebounding numbers while reducing that of your opponents? Often, while watching the basketball games, after a shot is taken, we hear coaches and fans shouting box out! Box out! We also hear our coaches yell directly at us in training box out! Box out! This must be a significant thing in a basketball if it is shouted so many times.

So, what is boxing out in basketball? Some of us do not know what the boxing out is, and some of us would like to know how to box out properly. Regardless of the reason why you are here, you are in the right place. We completely understand the importance of boxing out in basketball. We know how essential this skill is, and we would like to help you to improve in this regard.

We are going to cover the topic of boxing out in basketball today extensively. After reading this article, you will be able to understand the concept of boxing out. You will also have a clear idea of what to do to improve the way you box out so that you’re rebounding numbers can increase. After learning how to box out, you will also reduce the number of rebounds your opponents can get on the court.

What Does It Mean to Box Out in BasketballWhat Does It Mean to Box Out in Basketball?

So, what does box out mean in basketball? Are there techniques for boxing out? These are two great questions. Let us take a look at what is boxing out in basketball. The concept of boxing out means to put yourself in a better position to grab a rebound than the position of your opponent. It can also be looked at as improving your rebound positioning while worsening that of your opponents.

After a shot is taken, the best position to be in to grab a rebound is between the rim and your opponent. Keep in mind, we did not say under the rim, we said between the rim and your opponent. You must give yourself enough space between the rim and yourself so that you are not trapped under the rim after a shot is taken.

Let us now look at how to box out. There are various ways in which different players box out. As we mentioned before, the basic idea is creating enough space between the rim and yourself while the opponent is behind you. What this does is allow for an unimpeded area where you can jump to grab a rebound. 

We are well aware that sometimes there is going to be a long rebound that will go over your head while you are boxing out. There is nothing you can do about those, but do not worry, only a minimal number of rebounds will be long rebounds.

To box out, you need to position yourself between your opponent and the rim and then lower your body by bending your knees at roughly a 130-degree angle while facing the rim. Next, initiate contact with your back and your opponent.

What Does It Mean to Box Out in Basketball

When you establish contact with your opponent, use your arms to lock your opponent on your back, do not hold your opponent. Once you have your opponent locked, use your legs and push backward. Walk backward with your opponent as far away from the rim as you can. Keep in mind your opponents will put up some amount of resistance, so prepare to be physical.

Can You Box Out on OffenseCan You Box Out on Offense?

Yes, absolutely, you should definitely do this. Boxing out is the foundation for rebounds. Even though the majority of rebounds in a game will go to the defense, this does not mean that you, as an offensive player should not try to grab rebounds. 

If you are a prolific offensive rebounder, you are a significant asset to your team. One way to rebound on offense is to initiate a box out when a shot is going to be attempted. A common misconception about boxing out is that you should start to box out after a shot is released. You should know who the willing shooters are on your team, when you see these players go into their shooting stance you should immediately try to get between your defender and the rim so that you can initiate a box out.

If you can box out on offense, this increases your chances of grabbing offensive rebounds by a considerable percent. Rebounds are often used to initiate fast breaks. If you can grab offensive rebounds, this not only gives your team a great chance to score again, but it also prevents a fast break opportunity for the opposing team.

You should always try to box out on offense if you are playing on the block when a shot is going to be taken. If you are on the perimeter on offense, a box out should not be attempted when your team is shooting. Instead of trying to box out on the perimeter, you should get back to play defense in time if the shot is missed.

When Can You Box Out in BasketballWhen Can You Box Out in Basketball?

You can box out in basketball anytime a shot is taken, even on a free throw. When a shot is taken, if you are playing close to the rim, then you should always attempt to box out the person closest to you.

If you are playing on the perimeter on offense, when your teammates are shooting, you should always get back and play defense. You should not try to box out while playing on the perimeter, because a fast break can be started with you out of position and your opponents would get an easy basket.

If you are on defense on the perimeter, you have a choice based on how your team plays. If your coach promotes running for fast-break outlets, you do not have to box out on the perimeter while playing defense. Instead, you can run for a fast-break outlet pass. If your coach wants everyone to box out, then yes, you should box out even when you are playing defense on the perimeter.

How To Counter a Box Out in BasketballHow To Counter a Box Out in Basketball?

The best way to counter a box out attempt by your opponent is to avoid it in the first place altogether. All basketball players are told to box out when the opponents take a shot, so when you or your teammates take a shot, it is almost a guarantee that your opponents will try to box you out.

How To Counter a Box Out in Basketball

Because you know this, you can attempt to avoid the box out before it even happens. One effective way to avoid box outs while playing on the perimeter is a run fake. To perform a run fake, while running towards the rim for a rebound, make a strong step in one direction and then quickly step to the opposite side after the defender reacts. This will allow you to avoid the oncoming defender so they cannot box you out.

Another way to counter a box out is to roll off your defenders back. To roll off your defenders back, you need to push down their outer arm using your outer arm. You would then perform a spin roll in that direction. If they do not have their arm bars out to lock you in, you would simply need to do the spin roll.

How Do You Get Better at Boxing Out in BasketballHow Do You Get Better at Boxing Out in Basketball?

Boxing out is an aspect of basketball that requires a lot of physicality and cunning. With that said, to improve your boxing out capabilities, you need to improve your physicality and cunningness. Players that are strong and smart usually rebound very well.

It is an excellent idea to improve your leg and torso strength so that you can a box out better. Try to do exercises in the gym or at home that will increase your strength in these two areas of your body. Squats and weighted squats are always a good idea.

You can improve your box out ability by improving your footwork as well. You must position your feet in the right areas so that you can get between your opponent and the rim. There are various footwork techniques that you can practice with your coach and teammates that will help you to get better positioning for box outs.

One final thing to work on that will help you with the boxing out is your hunger. Be hungry for the ball; do not give up on any plays. You know how vital the rebound is, so always be hungry to get the rebound. This mindset will propel you to work harder.

Wrapping Things Up: How to Box Out in Basketball

Rebounding is all about boxing out. Boxing out is all about positioning. You must get into a good position between the opponent and the rim. Remember to find your opponent, put your body on your opponent, lock him in behind you, and push him back as far away from him as possible.

Boxing out is very physical, so work on your strength. Work on your upper body and leg muscles so that you can overpower your opponents when boxing out. There is also a lot of heart required to be a good rebounder. Always try to fight harder than your opponent when trying to get a rebound.

If you can box out efficiently in basketball, your rebound numbers will significantly increase, and you will be a crucial player for your team.
Until next time ballers, box out, and grab them boards. 

Did you find this helpful? Then also check out other basketball FAQ articles here

> How to Do a Layup Correctly?

> How to Palm a Basketball

> What is Dribbling in Basketball?

> What is Rebounding in Basketball?

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Hoops Addict

Hoops Addict was created to help basketball fans of all ages learn more about the sport and find the best basketball gear to improve their ability to hoop. He has been a huge basketball fan for decades, watching thousands of basketball games through the years to learn the ins and outs of the game.

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